Human resources association
of treasure valley



This is a brief history of the Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley.  It is written to give members and prospective members a sense of the origin of our group and to recognize the many accomplishments of the group and its members.  Like a family tree, the HRATV has interesting roots, strength developed over many years, and a legacy of growth.  We hope this history gives you a perspective of the past and a renewed commitment to the future of your professional human resources association.


The group that is now the Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley (HRATV) originated in 1954.  In May of that year, a small group of personnel professionals met at the Owyhee Hotel in Boise to discuss the formation of a Boise Chapter of the Pacific Northwest Personnel Management Association (PNPMA).  Twenty potential members were identified among companies such as Boise Junior College, Idaho First National Bank, First Security Bank, Idaho Power, Morrison-Knudsen, the Idaho Statesman and Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph.

By August of 1954, the group had adopted by-laws and petitioned for a charter from PNPMA.  Annual dues for the 24 members were set at $7.50 each, and the Boise Valley Chapter of PNPMA was off and running.


Among the topics of interest to early members of the group was labor relations.  In a 1950 meeting at the Harmony Cafe in Nampa there was a discussion about the possibility of an industrial relations course at Boise Junior College.  The speaker's topic was labor relations.  He made the point that benefit offerings and costs were increasing, citing that average benefit costs were 15% of payroll in 1947 and 23.7% in 1957.


The Boise Valley Chapter of PNPMA continued to meet and grow throughout the next decade.  This was a time of turmoil and change in the nation and the personnel profession.  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 focused the attention of managers on equal employment opportunity.  In September of 1965, President Lyndon Johnson issued Executive Order 11246, setting the stage for strong federal enforcement of EEO requirements.  In 1967, Executive Order 11375 first required employers to take affirmative action to employ and advance minorities and women.


In this decade of change, the personnel association was also changing.  The last meeting of the Boise Valley Chapter of PNPMA was held on December 30, 1968, when the group voted to affiliate with ASPA.  Their petition was presented at an ASPA Board meeting on January 10, 1969.  All members of the local group were (or became) ASPA members, paying annual dues of $17, and all received certificates indicating that they were charter members of the new Treasure Valley Chapter of the American Society for Personnel Administration.  Several of those charter members who were on the group's membership roster 17 years later (in 1986) include Dick Chastain, John Dominick, Royce Fuhriman, Ike Mabbott, Robert Mason and Gerald Rudd.


1973 was a year which saw noteworthy growth in the Treasure Valley Chapter of ASPA.  Membership increased from 52 to 96.  The organization undertook a project to research and publish a survey of area employment and training opportunities for affirmative action purposes.  The results were distributed to area businesses and helped to establish the chapter's role in the community.  The chapter also began to establish a role in ASPA with the appointment of Ike Mabbott as ASPA Regional Vice President and Jim Ware as ASPA District Director.


In 1975, the chapter initiated a Jobs Program with the intent of creating 100 new job openings within the community.  The program was a great success and the goal was exceeded.  That same year Jim Ware was named ASPA Regional Vice President and served in that position through 1979.

The minimum wage was raised to $2.00 per hour in 1976 and chapter membership was at 94.  The group prepared a position statement in support of the Idaho Human Rights Commission and encouraged then-Governor Cecil Andrus to continue his efforts to retain 706 status for the Commission.  The group also looked into sponsoring a student chapter at Boise State University.


That idea became a reality when the Boise State University Student Chapter of ASPA was chartered, sponsored by the Treasure Valley Chapter.  The student group had 17 members that year.  In April, several national officers from ASPA visited Boise and attended the group's general membership meeting that month.


The first woman to hold the office of Treasure Valley Chapter President was elected in 1979.  Renda Sullivan was also the first female Chapter President within PNPMA.  Later that year, the chapter and the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI) co-sponsored a workers compensation seminar and donated the proceeds to the Elk's Rehabilitation Hospital.  The following year, Renda Sullivan's significant contributions to the chapter and her untimely death prompted the group to name a scholarship for her.  Thus was born the Renda K. Sullivan Memorial Scholarship, given annually to a promising student studying human resource management.


Chapter members continued to be active in national ASPA affairs.  Jim Ware was elected ASPA's Treasurer in 1980.  In 1981, Tom Snediker became an ASPA Regional Vice President.  Paul DeLong joined ASPA's College Relations Committee in 1982 and Jim Ware was named ASPA's Vice Chairman.


During the chapter's 1982-83 operating year, some important changes began to take place.  The group began laying important groundwork for the creation of a local membership option and a subtle shift in emphasis to local concerns rather than national affiliation.  Part of the plan was to encourage local membership (with lower dues) among Treasure Valley professionals who worked in personnel-related positions but who were not interested in or chose not to pay for national APSA membership.  The name "Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley" was chosen and work began on writing by-laws for the new organization.

The 1982-83 operating year also saw the most ambitious ASPA Idaho State Conference to that date.  Months of planning came together when the conference kicked off in January 1983.  From the Ste. Chapelle wine tasting through the barbecue dinner to the western swing dances, this conference brought the best of Idaho to participants from as far away as Hawaii and Washington, D.C.  The ASPA Board of Directors met in Boise in conjunction with the conference and Jim Ware was installed as National Chairman of ASPA.


By the fall of 1983, the Treasure Valley Chapter of ASPA was no more, as the group voted to become the Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley.  By-laws were approved in October and dues were set at $25 per year.  With the introduction of local membership came a large number of new members.  The association grew rapidly and benefited from the influx of these new people.

1983 saw the end of Jim Ware's term as ASPA's National Chairman and 1984 brought the election of Tom Snediker to a four-year term as President of the World Federation of Personnel Management Association.  The HRATV was and is justly proud that two of its members attained the highest elected office in the nation's and the world's major personnel associations.


1984 was a benchmark year for the HRATV.  The association marked its 30th year during a special celebration at the Basque Center.  Membership reached 139 and the first Professional of the Year award was presented to Gerald Rudd.  On the national scene, ASPA moved its headquarters to Alexandria, Virginia, just outside Washington, D.C.

A seminar series on human resource management, designed in part to help members prepare for the ASPA accreditation exam, was developed by the HRATV in 1984.  The series was a resounding success and a record number of members became accredited.  Jim Ware was named the HRATV Professional of the Year and Rosalie Stamos accepted a position on the ASPA National committee on Equal Employment Opportunity.

The last membership meeting of the 1984-85 operating year set a new attendance record.  Jim Kearns, President of the Idaho AFL-CIO, spoke on Idaho's "Right-to-Work" legislation.  The meeting was so well attended that Board members Joy Mann and Cindy Peterson were pressed into service as waitresses.


The HRATV awarded Professional of the Year honors to Marilyn Shuler and Denise Beecham was elected Vice President of ASPA International during the 1985-86 operating year.  ASPA began to restructure itself during this time.  An Idaho State Council was formed and cooperation between ASPA Chapters in Idaho improved as a result.  Groundwork was laid to make Boise the site of all future State Conferences and to make each conference more of a joint effort among the chapters.  Entering the second half of the decade, the HRATV prepared to meet the challenges and realize the promise of the future.


HRATV successfully increased members by 35.  In addition, chapter membership renewal was at 85% retention surpassing the goal of 75%.  Kathryn Johnson served as association president.  Tom Snediker was named Professional of the Year at HRATV.  An all-day seminar was sponsored by the chapter in November to provide detailed information on the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and COBRA, issues having a major impact on HR professionals.  A number of members attended accreditation workshops and successfully completed the accreditation exam.  Boise hosted the Idaho State Conference.  This year saw an increase in attendance and involvement from student chapter members.


This year saw a downturn in a number of local businesses and some loss of several HRATV members as a result of company downsizes and transfers.  The Professional of the Year was awarded to Dave Ripley and Gary Wallis served as association president.  The annual $500 scholarship was awarded to a BSU student studying toward a degree in the field.  Senator Phil Batt gave his annual legislative update and said he would be turning those duties over to someone else as he was not running for re-election to the State Senate.


Tom Kelley, President of the National Society for Human Resource Management, was a speaker at one of our monthly meetings.  Gail Chaloupka served as association president.  Membership reached 152, exceeding the goal of 133 members.  The annual legislative update was presented by Rod Beck who took over the traditional duties of Phil Batt.  However, Senator Phil Batt was given the Professional of the Year award in recognition of his long time contribution to the organization and the profession.  The association sponsored a series of accreditation seminars taught by local professionals in their respective specialty areas that were well attended.  Several members became accredited.


This year brought a name change at the national level from ASPA to Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).  This name change was consistent with Human Resource emphasis in the local name change made several years prior.  The by-laws were also amended in 1989 to allow for two classifications of membership -- associate and professional--which coincides with SHRM's requirements for membership.  The association sponsored a state conference in conjunction with IAAA and ASTD which could be termed the most successful state conference to date in terms of attendance, seminars and overall support.  Keynote speakers were R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr. from the American Institute for Managing Diversity, Inc. and Deborah B. Pattry with the Center for Creative Leadership.  Participants came away feeling they had been well served, both in terms of time and money expended to attend.  Pam Flora served as the association president and Professional of the Year honors were awarded to Dick Rapp.  The annual spring seminar featured gain sharing and incentive compensation plans.  Participants gained increased knowledge of a variety of variable pay approaches.  Membership reached 170, exceeding the goal of 160.


During the 1997-98 year for HRATV, membership topped the 300 mark, peaking at 311 members.  To cope with this growth, the board focused on improving its internal administrative processes.  Job descriptions for each board member were developed to help establish continuity of operations from year to year.  During the previous year, a part-time temporary administrator, Laurie Nowierski, was hired.  During 1997-98, this position became a regular part-time position.  With input from the board and an ad hoc committee, Laurie helped launch a web page for HRATV. Other goals that were met included the development of a presenter's packet for use by HRATV members called upon to do career presentations to high schools and other groups.  Attendance at both the fall and spring seminars exceeded expectations.  The fall seminar theme was "The Next Agenda: Innovative Ways to Attract & Retain Employees...Balancing Work/Life with Worklife."  The program featured Parker Knox, senior consultant and trainer from the Effectiveness Institute.  The spring seminar theme was "Facing the Changing Faces of HR...Choices and Challenges."  Keith Greene of SHRM provided a national perspective.


HRATV continues to focus on the needs and suggestions of the membership.  Membership in HRATV currently exceeds 300 members.  Membership includes all functional areas of HR professionals; many, many industries; and covers the span from entry-level to seasoned, life-time HR professionals. 

Specific focus over the last couple of years has been on increased opportunities for networking at our monthly meetings.  Additionally, we’ve made significant progress in offering high-quality, thought-provoking presentations and development opportunities at our monthly programs and bi-annual seminars.  HRATV’s web site has been enhanced, including a new Bulletin Board “chat room” option for membership, and the site was renamed  HRATV’s by-laws have been revised and are now up to date.

Recent association presidents have included Karey Bertrand, Jennifer Miller, and Lydia Aguirre.  Current HRATV president is Tresa Ball.  Recent Professional of the Year award recipients have included Gail Chaloupka, Carol Brown, and Karey Bertrand.  HRATV has increased emphasis, study alternatives, and recognition for professionals obtaining certification, and we have made great strides.  We currently have 49 members with SPHR certification and 70 members with PHR certification.


HRATV President for 2002-2003 was Tresa Ball, SPHR, and Kay Nice, PHR, was recognized as the HRATV Professional of the Year.  The Spring conference was “HR Stretching to New Horizons” and the Fall conference was called “Equal Opportunity: Lessons for Tomorrow.”  Eight members were recognized for passing the HRCI certification exam.   HRATV members staffed a booth at the NNU Career Fair.  HRATV held its first annual golf scramble at Indian Lakes Golf Course in June.  The BSU Student HR Chapter went to the HR Games National competition in Orlando. 

HRATV had 322 members, 124 professionally certified by HRCI.  The Board of Directors updated the by-laws, including an improved process for nomination and election of the Board of Directors.  Improvements were made to the website for increased value to the membership; networking opportunities were provided to members through activities at lunch/breakfast meetings; and a modified membership directory was made available online.


Jan Becker was HRATV President for the 2003-2004 operating year.  “The Business of HR – Strategies for Organizational Success” was the title for the Spring Conference and the Fall conference was called “Crucial Leadership: Tackling the Leadership Challenge Head On.”  The Board of Directors implemented the New Member Liaison program to introduce new members to the membership at monthly meetings.

HRATV staffed booths at the NNU Career Fair and the Boise Schools Career Fair and the BSU Career Fair.  Volunteers also assisted with the local Special Olympics event in November.  HRCI moved to online certification testing and results were visible immediately. 


Kari Korell was HRATV President for the 2004-2005 year.   Student scholarship recipients were Crystal Hert and Eric Swanson.  Tresa Ball, SPHR, was awarded the HRATV Professional of the Year award.  Five members were recognized for passing the HRCI certification exam.  The Spring Conference was “Growing Stronger, Growing Smarter: Turning Strategy into Action” and the Fall Conference was “Unleashing the Magic in Human Resources” with a keynote speaker from The Disney Institute.   A member social event was also held in May.  The Board of Directors adopted a Chapter Charter as a formalization of the relationship between SHRM and its local chapters.  A non-solicitation policy was also developed.

HRATV was selected as one of the top 24 finalists for the SHRM Pinnacle Award based on its submission for the Community Affairs project held in conjunction with the May program on domestic violence. Personal items were collected to donate to the Women’s & Children’s Alliance and Hope’s Door; HRATV also provided a small financial donation to each organization.


HRATV President for the 2005-2006 operating year was Jaye B. Pierce,  SPHR.  The Board of Directors changed the association’s operating year from a school year to a calendar year and added monthly meetings to the calendar during the summer months.  They also enhanced the usefulness of the association’s website, and began utilizing SHRM’s services to host the site; held two conferences and made the decision to move to one annual conference beginning in 2007; launched the Rookie of the Year program to recognize the accomplishments of members who are relatively new to the field of HR; launched a mentoring program; worked towards having all monthly meeting speaker topics preapproved for HRCI recertification credits; and began the process of updating the association’s bylaws and becoming an incorporated entity.  HRATV finished the year with 328 members and based upon HRATV’s 2006 accomplishments, our chapter qualified for SHRM’s Superior Merit Award. 


HRATV President was Kayce McEwan.  HRATV was awarded the 2007 SHRM Superior Merit Award.  The Board of Directors made several significant advances this year including the adoption of a Privacy Policy, the revision of the by-laws and filing of Articles of Incorporation with the Idaho Secretary of State.  The annual conference was “Creating a Culture of Excellence through the Care of Employees.”  Kyle Stevenson and Jennifer Quinno were given the HR Newcomer of the Year Awards.  Eighteen members recognized for passing the HR Certification Institute certification exam.


HRATV President was Susannah Arnim, SPHR.  "HR Competencies", our theme for monthly speakers and our annual conference, brought excellent local and national speakers to our membership.   Membership continued to grow with new members being added each month setting a new record of 99 new members for the year.  At the SHRM Leadership Conference, this moved us from the medium size chapter designation to the large size chapter designation.   Networkingoptions were increased in this year. A Board committee introduced programs for new and experienced members. The lunch buddy program, the board member/new member hosting program, and the online ListServ group give our members new ways to build professional connections and learn new information.  HRATV was awarded the SHRM Superior Merit Chapter Award.  The HR Yellow Pages were added as an online resource for HR professionals.


Susannah Arnim, SPHR, continued as HRATV President.  For the community affairs project, canned goods and non-perishable food items were collected to support the Idaho Food Bank.   The theme for the Annual Conference was “Building & Maintaining a Healthy Organization.”   At the October membership meeting, the Boise Chamber of Commerce recognized this year’s local Sloan Award Winners for workplace flexibility.  The BSU Student Chapter hosted the HR Games in April.  Over 30 volunteers from HRATV supported the games as judges, timekeepers, score keepers, presenters, and matrix operators.

The HRATV Board established a new Scholarship Committee for the purpose of extending the announcement of the scholarships, reviewing applications and making recommendations for the Board approval.  This year’s scholarship was awarded to James Pendergrass, Boise State University student.


Jan Baxter, PhD, SPHR, was HRATV President. The theme for the year was 2010, an HR Odyssey. The main emphasis was improving our connection and visibility electronically, primarily through researching and designing a social media plan. At the end of the year, the Board participated in social media training.  A committee was established to look into Social Media platforms on behalf of the organization. The Board voted to create a volunteer Communication representative to develop recommended Communication Marketing strategies to establish & extend the HRATV "Brand" identity and collaborate with the Board and membership to implement these strategies across all communication channels including Social Media.

The annual conference was called "Refocus.Rediscover.Recover" and was held at the Nampa Civic Center. HRATV implemented the "In Transition Policy" to provide coupons for members in transition to attend two general membership meetings free of charge. Collections of loose change  were made at the monthly membership meetings for the SHRM Foundation. Bios and photos of the Board members were added to the website to increase visibility of Board Members. HRATV member volunteers: (1) staffed a booth at the Veterans Opportunity Day; (2) hosted a booth at the Idaho Department of Labor's R.A.C.E. for Success and (3) presented a panel discussion on Resume and Interview Strategies at the R.A.C.E. for Success. In October, HRATV offered a SHRM webinar entitled "SHRM Health Care Reform & HR: One Checkup You Shouldn't Miss" in addition to the regular monthly membership meeting. Two students, Stephanie Braun and Marty Kennedy, were recipients of the HRATV Student Scholarships.


Pat Duncan, SPHR, was HRATV President. Two of the monthly meetings were extended to provide additional opportunities for members to obtain recertification credits and education. The 2011 conference "HR Kaleidoscope" was a great success. The Chapter obtained the Silver SHRM Designation based upon our 2010 SHAPE plan. For the community affairs project, the Chapter provided food and monetary assistance to the Idaho Food Bank. The community affairs committee opened the door for HRATV to collaborate with Chamber of Commerce and Idaho Department of Labor. HRATV provided resume help to job seekers at Idaho Department of Labor's RACE for Success job fair. The student scholarships were presented to Natalie Peikrishvili and Julian Rodriguez.

The President started highlighting board members at the monthly meetings to introduce members to the various board roles. We continued to encourage networking at the tables during the Monthly meetings. The Board simplified the budget and aligned collection of dues with the budget year. We implemented our first ever new member Board Orientation session. The Social Media Committee the board approved in 2010 started this year. Out of the committee came the new Communications Chair position. Doug Pill was our first chair. The Social Media Committee developed presence on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Denise Metcalf, SPHR, was HRATV President. The 2012 conference  theme was "HR on the Move.” The Chapter received the Bronze Excel Award from SHRM based upon our 2011 SHAPE plan.  The Chapter participated in several community outreach  projects which included Sustainable Futures, Hiring for Heroes Job Fair, the Idaho Department of Labor and the Idaho Food Bank.  The annual speaker appreciation donation was provided to the ESGR.  The Chapter By-Laws were reviewed and modified.  Corporate meeting Partnership opportunities were provided to bring in additional revenue to cover monthly meeting costs.  Student scholarships were awarded to three Boise State University students:  Emily Kudo, Stephanie Ortiz and Natalie Peikrishvili.  Two certification scholarships were awarded to HRATV members Sean Gatfield and Miriam Nijiraini.  Eighty-three new members were approved this year.  Due to rising costs and in order to continue offering the same level of programs and benefits for the membership, the Board made the decision to increase annual dues to $100 per member beginning in 2013.

A networking event was held at the Idaho Steelheads facility in February. HRATV partnered with the Idaho State Council in presenting its bi-annual conference in September in addition to a statewide webinar offered free to members.  The November meeting was presented in partnership with the Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce and the TWIGA Foundation in order to highlight the Alfred P. Sloan Awards.  The meeting was a half-day event with breakfast featuring Sandra Bruce, past executive with St. Alphonsus as keynote speaker, a mid-morning training workshop on workplace flexibility from Cali Williams Yost and concluded with a chapter  luncheon that hosted a panel of local Sloan Award winners. 


Bae Emilson, SPHR, served as HRATV President.  The HRATV theme for the year was: Be Visible. Be a Partner. Be Strategic.  The annual speaker donation was provided to the Wyakin Warrior foundation, a 501 c(3) nonprofit organization providing a full spectrum education and professional development program for severely wounded, injured, or ill Post 9/11 veterans.  In July, an essay contest was held entitled “What HR Certification Means to Me”. The winner was Rebecca Clark, PHR.  Student scholarships were awarded to Amanda Mumford and Katrina Stammnitz, students at Boise State University.

The Board’s objective of ensuring the financial well-being and growth of the Chapter was realized through an increase in annual membership dues to $100 per member. Regular, rigorous review of finances built the Chapter’s fiscal capacity to reduce fiscal risk and provide responsiveness to emerging member needs. The association Bylaws were amended to add a new Student Member category which provided an earlier and smoother link to new HR associates. Member participation in the interactive World CafĂ© process at the November meeting provided valuable insights for the HRATV 2014 Board.  A logo design contest was conducted which resulted in a new look for the association.   Community service projects included the Idaho Food Bank, the Veterans Administration, Employers in Support of the Guard and Reserve and Chamber of Commerce (PTSD Workshop), and the Department of Labor (Job Fairs and Briefing Staff), and the Idaho Youth Ranch (interview preparation).  A membership goal to reach 400 was initiated but not fully realized, with a separate emphasis on increasing SHRM members to 193.   


Kandy Weaver, SPHR, served as Association President.  The Board of Directors updated the mission and vision statement and reorganized the Board of Directors to be more in line with the association objectives.  Student scholarships for continuing education were awarded to Stephanie Rabon and Karen Stauffer.  The 2014 HR Leader Awards were awarded to Debby Ball, SPHR, for HR Innovator of the Year; Amy Jones, SPHR, for HR Professional of the Year; Doug Pill, for HR Champion of the Year; and Gundars Kaupins, PHD, SPHR, Lifetime Achievement.

The annual conference, “HR Rise Up” was an extraordinary success not only in participation but also in the number of sponsors and vendors that supported the event.  The very aggressive goal of reaching a membership of more than 400 was achieved.  Dress for Success and the WCA were the beneficiaries of the generous membership.  Three outstanding companies received the Alfred P. Sloan Award for workplace flexibility.  With the help of dedicated volunteers, our mentoring program was launched for both our members and students.  This was one of those years that reminded us what a roller coaster ride it can be and also of the dangers of conventional thinking as SHRM launched its new certification program; the Board and membership spent hours getting up to speed to stay on top of the many opportunities for us to improve our skills and knowledge.


Valerie Davis, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, served as Association President.  We welcomed 97 new HRATV members in 2015. We currently have 401 HRATV members grouped as follows: Professional - 239 (60%), Associate - 76 (19%), Life - 2, Affiliate - 60 (15%), and Student - 24 (6%).  We held 10 monthly program meetings (two were co-sponsored) with timely topics including: Change management, ERISA/ACA/Idaho MSA, and Neuroscience in HR and OD. We partnered with the Southern Idaho Compensation & Benefits Association (SICBA) and Parsons, Behle & Latimer for our June and October program meetings. In April, our Annual Conference - "Transformation" was a great success and Our Certification Study Groups had record attendance and according to HRCI and SHRM reports, HRATV members were actively passing exams and completing HRCI re-certifications and SHRM certification pathways.

Our HRATV Mentoring Program implemented a new idea on "matching" mentors and mentees. Our legislative affairs expert kept us updated on: the "add the words" campaign; the "Cadillac Tax" provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA); and the proposed FLSA guidelines. In addition, he reached out to the Idaho Human Rights Commission and the Idaho Department of Labor to facilitate better collaboration and communication between our respective organizations.  The Idaho Veterans Assistance League was selected to receive the 2015 Speaker Donations ($500) and our generous HRATV members donated food and glass to support the Idaho Food Bank and Usful Glassworks. HRATV is the sponsoring professional chapter for the BSU HRA. In addition to providing two $1,000 scholarships to BSU HRA students, HRATV and BSU HRA collaborated via mentoring, meetings, and community outreach.


Vickie Coale, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, served as Association President.  We had our most successful conference to date with 245 people attending the full day and 290 people attending the luncheon keynote presentation. Five local organizations received the "When Work Works Award" for workplace flexibility.  We raised $225 for the SHRM Foundation through our $5 book sale. Our new book club - Words, Wisdom and Wine - launched due to the outstanding efforts of our Membership Co-Chairs. Twelve people have expressed interest and their first book will be "Deep Dive." What a wonderful way for our members to get to know one another as they grow professionally together.  We had 22 members participate in the Mentoring Program this year. Our Legislative Affairs Co-Chairs worked tirelessly to draft letters to our state legislature on behalf of HRATV regarding the "Add the Words" campaign to amend the Idaho Human Rights Act to include gender identity and sexual orientation, and the FLSA overtime rules legislation. They have been actively engaged with our legislature and the Idaho Department of Labor.


Brian Marshall served as the Chapter President. The theme of the annual conference was “HR Agility in a Rapidly Changing Business Environment” with 197 attendees.  In the fall, HRATV participated in the When Work Works award celebration by hosting an event to recognize the recipients. HRATV continued to provide a mentoring program and academic scholarships for local HR students. The chapter ended the year with 398 members.


Stephanie Parker served as Chapter President. At the beginning of 2021, the chapter set a theme for the upcoming year: Go L.E.A.D (Learn. Engage. Adapt. Deliver.) This year brought the “Great Resignation”, where we faced staffing shortages across industries and communities. The annual conference was held virtually on two half-days with 236 attendees. The Book Club continued to meet virtually and selected books that provided SHRM certification credits. HRATV announced the “2021 LEAD Series: Leadership Conversations with CHROs and Chief People Leaders” that consisted of five virtual programs featuring Idaho’s top HR/People leaders. HRATV grew to nearly 475 members.


Jill Murphy served as Chapter President. We set out with the goal of creating engaging and effective opportunities to IMPACT, GROW, DEVELOP and DELIVER in 2022.  The best part of the year was the return to in-person meetings following the COVID-19 pandemic. HRATV conducted two charity drives benefiting the BSU food pantry and United Way; sponsored the Wassmuth Center “Change Your World Celebration” and Rake Up Boise; and provided scholarships to two local HR students. The Chapter provided two DEI programs plus a seminar and sponsorship of the Blue Sky Institute’s DEI Summit with the implementation of our DEI Co-Director positions. Three member networking events were held: happy hour after the Annual Conference, a spring meet-up at Western Proper, and happy hour after our December DEI seminar. We added a new program at our monthly in-person meetings to educate and inform our members of opportunities with local community support organizations. HRATV members volunteered at the BSU Food Pantry, the Idaho Food Bank, the Idaho Shakespeare Festival (2x), and Rake Up Boise. The HRATV mentoring program paired 9 professionals with students. There were 270 attendees at the in-person Annual Conference. The year ended with a membership of 477.


Lacey Henning, SHRM-SCP, served as Chapter President. A major accomplishment was achieved by our membership team in 2023. We grew our membership by 14% and reached our goal of SHRM Mega Chapter status (501+ members) by August.  In the spring, we hosted our largest conference ever with 400 attendees. Two sponsorship co-directors were appointed to the board this year and they organized 3 after hours networking events for our members, all of which were well attended.  The community affairs directors arranged multiple volunteer events during the year: including a toy drive and gift wrapping party for the Freedom Youth Foundation, Rake Up Boise, Idaho Foodbank & Witches Night Out.


Lacey Henning, SHRM-SCP, served a second year as Chapter President. The membership grew by 15% ending the year with 556 members. We participated in community events, formed new partnerships with the community and offered several after hours networking events for the membership. The organization underwent a rebranding with a new logo and swag for the membership. We held a senior development workshop for senior HR leaders.

Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley 
SHRM Chapter #0111

P.O. Box 1733
Boise, ID 83701

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